
The DBType type class provides a bridge between database expression values and Haskell values. Rel8 comes with stock instances for most types that come predefined with PostgreSQL, such as int4 (which is represented as by Data.Int.Int32) and timestamptz (which is UTCTime from Data.Time). This means that you need at least one DBType instance per database type, though most of these primitive DBTypes should already be available.

Combining newtype and DBType

You can define new instances of DBType by using Haskell “generalized newtype deriving” strategy. This is useful when you have a common database type, but need to interpret this type differently in different contexts. A very common example here is with auto-incrementing id counters. In PostgreSQL, it’s common for a table to have a primary key that uses the serial type, which means the key is an int8 with a default value for INSERT. In Rel8, we could use Int64 (as Int64 is the DBType instance for int8), but we can be even clearer if we make a newtype for each type of id.

If our database has users and orders, these tables might both have ids, but they are clearly not meant to be treated as a common type. Instead, we can make these types clearly different by writing:

newtype UserId = UserId { getUserId :: Int64 }
  deriving newtype DBType

newtype OrderId = OrderId { getOrderId :: Int64 }
  deriving newtype DBType

Now we can use UserId and OrderId in our Rel8 queries and definitions, and Haskell will make sure we don’t accidentally use an OrderId when we’re looking up a user.

If you would like to use this approach but can’t use generalized newtype deriving, the same can be achived by using mapTypeInformation:

instance DBType UserId where
  typeInformation = mapTypeInformation UserId getUserId typeInformation

Parsing with DBType

DBTypes can also refine database types with parsing, which allows you to map more structured Haskell types to a PostgreSQL database. This allows you to use the capabalities of Haskell’s rich type system to make it harder to write incorrect queries. For example, we might have a database where we need to store the status of an order. In Haskell, we might write:

data OrderStatus = PaymentPending | Paid | Packed | Shipped

In our PostgreSQL we have a few choices, but for now we’ll assume that they are stored as text values.

In order to use this type in Rel8 queries, we need to write an instance of DBType for OrderStatus. One approach is to use parseTypeInformation, which allows you to refine an existing DBType:

instance DBType OrderStatus where
  typeInformation = parseTypeInformation parser printer typeInformation
      parser :: Text -> Either String OrderStatus
      parser "PaymentPending" = Right PaymentPending
      parser "Paid" = Right Paid
      parser "Packed" = Right Packed
      parser "Shipped" = Right Shipped
      parser other = Left $ "Unknown OrderStatus: " <> unpack other

      printer :: OrderStatus -> Text
      printer PaymentPending = "PaymentPending"
      printer Paid = "Paid"
      printer Packed = "Packed"
      printer Shipped = "Shipped"

Deriving DBType via ReadShow

The DBType definition for OrderStatus above is a perfectly reasonable definition, though it is quite verbose and tedious. Rel8 makes it easy to map Haskell types that are encoded using Read/Show via the ReadShow wrapper. An equivalent DBType definition using ReadShow is:

data OrderStatus = PaymentPending | Paid | Packed | Shipped
  deriving stock (Read, Show)
  deriving DBType via ReadShow OrderStatus

Storing structured data with JSONEncoded

It can occasionally be useful to treat PostgreSQL more like a document store, storing structured documents as JSON objects. Rel8 comes with support for serializing values into structured representations through the JSONEncoded and JSONBEncoded deriving-via helpers.

There usage is very similar to ReadShow - simply derive DBType via JSONEncoded, and Rel8 will use ToJSON and FromJSON instances (from aeson) to serialize the given type.

For example, a project might use event sourcing with a table of events. Each row in this table is an event, but this event is stored as a JSON object. We can use this type with Rel8 by writing:

data Event = UserCreated UserCreatedData | OrderCreated OrderCreatedData
  deriving stock Generic
  deriving anyclass (ToJSON, FromJSON)
  deriving DBType via JSONBEncoded Event

Here we used JSONBEncoded, which will serialize to PostgreSQL jsonb (binary JSON) type, which is generally the best choice.

The DBType subtypes


The DBEq type class represents the subclass of database types that support equality. By supporting equality, we mean that a type supports the = operator, and also has a suitable notion of equality for operations like GROUP BY and DISTINCT. On the one hand, this class is like Haskell’s Eq type class. The main difference is that this class has no methods.


The DBOrd type class represents the subclass of database types that support the normal comparison operators - <, <=, >= and >.

DBMax and DBMin

The type classes indicate that a database type supports the min() and max() aggregation functions.

DBSemigroup and DBMonoid

These type classes exist to give Rel8’s API a similar feel to Haskell programming. Many database types have a sensible monoid structure, with the presence of a mempty-like expression, and an associative operation to combine Exprs.

DBNum, DBIntegral and DBFractional

These type classes are used to present a familiar numeric type hierarchy for Haskell programmers.


This class indicates that a type supports the +, -, and * operators, along with the abs(), negate() and sign() functions. Database types that are instances of DBNum allow Num (Expr a) to be used (allowing you to combine expressions with Haskell’s normal + function).


If a type is an instance of DBIntegral, it means that the type stores integral (whole) numbers. The Rel8.Expr.Num module provides familiar Expr functions like fromIntegral to convert between types.


If a type is an instance of DBFraction, it means that the type supports the / operator, and literals can be created via Haskell’s Rational type class. This type class provides the Fracitonal (Expr a) instance.


This type class indicates that a database type supports the string_agg() aggregation function.